Our Services




Synergy is the concept that the value and performance of two companies combined will be greater than the sum of the separate individual parts

Synergy service matching biomass processors and biomass producers.

Offering biomass industry representation we fully assess, list and offer matches via our Biomass Viability Index

Index Assessment

After assessment we offer appropriate entry onto our Biomass Viability Index to list your business on our biomass matchmaking service.

We match valuable biomass producers with viable biomass processors.

Biomass viability indexation helps create realizable links to close the loop on value escapes.

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Biomass Viability Index Partners

We conduct biomass viability research on your behalf to match your business with optimal partners and methods to maximize input feeds and output values.

By conducting our Biomass Viability Index assessment we offer your business maximum realizable biomass inputs and outputs for its type, scale, geography, infrastructure and markets.

Full biomass utilization also sequesters maximum carbon and carbon dioxide equivalents, returning better value for your business in the wider ecosystem.

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Biomass Viability Index

Wide view

Build business resilience by helping your business access biomass value 

Close the loop on biomass value escape

Feed max value into your system and the wide ecosystem

Conduct feasibility study:

Find out what you wish to achieve

Assess your business scale, target volumes and type

Assess scale, flow rate and consistency for most suitable biomass utilization

Assess geographic location, current heat and power utilization, electricity network feed in locations and feed in rates, government subsidies and funding incentives 

Conduct suitability assessment of multiple biomass  valorization processes to capture optimum value

Assess all suitable biomass utilization mechanisms 


Conduct business planning and comparative budgetary analysis for symbiotic valorization processes

Conduct and deliver research from similar businesses currently maximizing value from similar biomass.

Assess investment volume, timescale and return on investment

Assess viable financial and technical timescales to optimal biomass value maximization

Pre set up:

Research and advise on optimal planning process 

Manage successful planning application and public relations activities

Set up:

Realize funding and finance and apply it to build out infrastructure to time frame

Manage team to build out biomass maximization plant 

Manage physical and financial biomass plug ins to establish network connections 

Plant Operation:

Set up expertise training / team to run biomass processing plant 

Manage plant / handover


Maintain plant optimal operating conditions 

Conduct technical updates and biomass market optimization to continue optimal value maximization

Feedback and Mentoring:

Feedback system service to plant manufacturers, technical operations and financial payments to optimize value gained over long term operational service

Offer of mentoring to valorize further biomass future

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We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to make  it happen.

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